As one crawls out of the rifts and chooses another path in lieu of the one that was a detour, then one find's one's way to the destination of a higher frequency. 当你爬出裂缝并选择另一条路来代替绕路,随之你发现你的路通往一个更高频率的目的地。
That entails trying to help those with whom one comes in contact to find fulfillment in their own way while seeking one's own fulfillment in one's own way. 当我们在用自己的方式实现自我价值时,也应帮助身边的人通过他们的途径来实现自身的价值。
"In large cities like New York, it is often hard to find one's way." “置身在像纽约这般大的城市中,经常很难能认得路。”
To find one's way out of a labyrinth. 找到走出一个迷宫的道路。
To find unknown celestial bodies is one of main goals in mankind's universe exploration, and outlier mining is a kind of effective way of finding unknown celestial bodies from mass spectrum data. 在宇宙中寻求未知天体是人类探索宇宙奥妙所追求的目标之一,离群数据挖掘是发现未知天体光谱数据的一种有效途径。